Rampart Rapids Fall Chum Tagging Project 1996 - 2005
It was run by the USFWS Fairbanks Fish and Wildlife Field Office and without it the villages of Tanana and Rampart would never have seen the Student Data Project or the Rapids Video Project. It was responsible for some valuable youth employment and a number of smaller fisheries research efforts. Sadly it may not run anymore due to funding cuts.
Data from the middle Yukon River tagging project help determine the size of the fall chum salmon run in the Yukon River above the village of Tanana. By providing an estimate of abundance each week throughout the season, fishery managers are able to provide adequate fishing time while allowing the proper escapement to reach the spawning grounds. The Fairbanks Fish and Wildlife Field Office has a nice web page on the tagging project - click on the fish to go there.

Tagging Project and Supported Research Photos
click on below pictures to enlarge