Issues of Current Interest and Concern
This section will reflect present issues of Yukon River Drainage fishers and managers even though some of each at times may wish the particular issue did not exist. Some reports in this section are preliminary or simply letters or papers written by Yukon fishermen’s groups and/or experts in their fields. They are there as the best available at present or are one side of an ongoing investigation of a current issue in fisheries science/management. The Current Issues pages will probably change and be added to often. When one side of a controversial issue or report is presented some effort will be made to present the other, and persons with information are encouraged to send info and/or publishable comments they feel are important. Use web site Feedback form or e-mail
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Current Issues Sub Pages
Ichthyophonus Disease Kills them or doesn’t, some see it some don’t. Reports, presentations, data, etc.
Chinook Size Decrease Getting smaller or not? Reports, data, articles, management plans, proposals, fishers comments.
Ocean Bycatch The more caught out there and thrown away the less come back to spawn and be caught by Yukon fishers. Reports, data, articles, etc.
Subsidized Hatcheries Good for some, bad for others. Food out of the wild fishes mouths ?
“Rapids Research - We Go to Depths to Fish for Issues”