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Video Equipment

Video Capture Equipment and Procedures

     The development and installation of a video capture system suitable for use on fishwheels is the result of continuing partnership work between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) Fairbanks Field Office (see Dave Daum below), project manager Stan Zuray and funding from the Yukon River Panel US/Canada Restoration and Enhancement Fund. The USFWS Office of Subsistence Management provided much support from 2001-2003.

Article in the North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:322-328, 2005
(Abstract only)

To read Dave's full Article (pdf format) click on this picture of him below
(second year we used a tent at fish camp to house equipment)

Dave and first video shack

Monitoring Fish Wheel Catch Using Event-Triggered Video Technology , David Daum
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fairbanks Fish and Wildlife Field Office,
101 12th Avenue, Box 19, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701, USA

   Abstract.—In large, turbid rivers, fish wheels are often used as a live-capture technique for monitoring migratory fish runs. After capture in the wheel’s rotating baskets, fish are lifted out of the water, slid down a chute, collected in a live-box, and then sampled. To eliminate the handling and holding of fish associated with fish wheel live-boxes, an event-triggered video system was developed so that fish were video recorded during capture and then immediately released back into the river. A magnetic switch, connected to an exit door installed in the fish wheel chute, signaled a computer to videotape passing fish. Periods of no fish capture were not recorded. Reliability and accuracy were evaluated over a 3-year period, 2001–2003. In over 14,000 h of operation and 262,000 recorded fish images, the system failed only once (due to a malfunction of the exit door). Fish counts from the video system were 4% higher than counts from fish wheel live-boxes, mostly because fish were jumping out of the live-box before counting began. Compared with continuous time-lapse recordings, the video system missed 1% of captured fish, mostly small Coregonus spp. that passed under the exit door without activating the switch. Subsequent adjustments to the door and software capture settings eliminated undercounting. The advantages of the switch-triggered video system over traditional fish wheels with live-boxes were reduced handling and holding time for captured fish; improved counting accuracy; unattended operation; and lower labor costs. Future developments in image recognition and motion detection software should increase the use of event-triggered video in fishery science.

     For complete text and more pictures on video system equipment and procedures see annual project reports on Reports page.

     Also check out the below video clip (quality reduced) taken from the new Yukon River Panel video called “ No Boundaries”. Clip is of Bill Fliris at the 5A test fish wheel giving a talk on his video capture setup and equipment. Thank you Yukon River Panel (No Boundaries has great quality, visual footage from the mouth to the headwaters ).

Clip is 2 1/2 minutes and 20 MB so may take a while to download
(best to start download by - right click on video picture and select save target as)

Media Player 5A Testwheel Fliris


Video system photos (click to enlarge or download):

5A chute

5A wheel equipment box

Chute and livebox

Microwave Transmitter Aimed at Camp

Computer central

Dave at Rampart chute w

Dave tuning microwave reciever  100

Inside of chute

Livebox open door

Pat and 5A chute

Rampart video chute w

Rampart wheel computer

Video cabinet Rampart w

Video chute exit door

Video chute from above

Video wheel equipment

Water generator system

Wheel at Night

“A Friendly Wheel Means Happy Fish”


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