Rapids Research Center is in the center of Alaska on the Yukon River about 40 miles upriver from the village of Tanana. It’s in a place called the Rampart Rapids where people have come each summer for countless generations to fish the migrating salmon and whitefish. Today it still supports much fishing for numbers of persons but it has also become a hub for research projects and data collection in recent years. Rapids Research is an accumulation of years of work, and volunteer efforts by many individuals, students and supporting organizations. Why the Web Site: Rapids Research Center often needs a quick way to familiarize others about things going on at Yukon projects and in the local area. The web site is used as a source to point to when researchers, fishermen and agency persons have basic data or operation questions. The objective is also to be an easy way to access data, key pictures, reports and persons relevant to all aspects of fishwheel monitoring and other fisheries data collected in this area. We will also be trying to give some insight (however biased) into local subsistence and commercial fishing which is the reason fish monitoring is so important. Last it is a place to see some fun pictures and videos that hopefully give an idea about what goes on in the Yukon River fishing communities here.
Web Site Pages click on page names to check out:
Rapids Video Project seasons data and graphs, fishwheel videos, info. Yukon River Panel YRP fisheries and community information link and some pictures. Fish Friendly info, pictures and video on low impact fish wheel design features and operation. Video equipment and software used and photos album of it all. Salmonsoft software that runs the video capture system, and their web site and contact info. Video Equipment Photo Album  Reports past reports and ones related to project. Rapids Research Center Reports plus Daum video, Brown sheefish Capture Mortality Reports  Related Project Reports Rapids tagging Whitefish Reports All species whitefish data and reports Data worksheets and graphs. Daily Updates A summer of local area comments. Project History how it came together and the people. Photos. Current Issues Present Yukon River concerns, ICH, Chinook size, Bycatch Ichthyophonus Disease Reports, articles, data Chinook Size Decrease Reports, articles, data Customary Trade Reports, articles, data Ocean Bycatch Reports, articles, data. Subsidized Hatcheries Resolutions, info. Student Data Project (ICH, measures, fluke video, etc.). Student Data Photo Album  Chum Tagging Project Rampart Rapids Fall Chum Tagging Project info Tagging Photo Album Fish Links go to other web sites, articles, documents, etc. Fishwheels Lots of pictures of different fish wheel types. Fishwheel Photo Album  Subsistence lifestyle info and photos. Fishing  Fishing Photo Album  Trapping  Trapping Photo Album  Dog Mushing  Dog Photo Album  Hunting Info and pictures Commercial info and pictures of area commercial fishing.
 To Contact: *Use this web sites easy Feedback form to contact or just comment on anything. In Season Daily Info: In season, data worksheets from the Rapids Research Center are sent out daily by e-mail to anyone requesting them. To request to be on the list. click on and use our web site Feedback form)
Below is the most recent finalized, past season’s data, project reports and opinion papers
New For an alternative look at the problem with our king salmon run on the Yukon River read:
The Fall of the Yukon Kings by Dan O’Neill.pdf ..........................
Get an idea of the run from ground zero at Rapids - Click below for the 2013 seasons daily e-mail pictures and comments (large file - picture album - 9 MB) (up to 8/19/13) Daily Email Update Album 2013.pdf ..........................
Below is the last 2015 e-mail update sent out and contains the final seasons data and all the finalized Rapids Research salmon run graphs
Rapids Short 2015 Worksheel for email .xls ..................................
Annual report on Yukon River Panel funded fishwheel video project
Rampart Rapids Full Season Video Monitoring 2015 pdf ..........................
Data sets of yearly fishwheel video project fish counts from 2000 to 2015 - includes king, chum, sheefish, broad, humpback and cisco.
2000 - 2015 Rapids Video Fishwheel Raw Data.xls .....................................
Data sets of yearly king salmon sampling from 2004 to 2013 (weights, lengths, sex and Ichthyophonus disease rate) taken in the subsistence/commercial fishery around the Rampart Rapids
2004 - 2013 Rapids Student Data Collection Raw Data.xls .................................
Some Notes
* Disclaimer: Although some people, projects and agencies are mentioned in the following web site it does not mean they have approved the content or spoken to the accuracy of any data. Also opinions expressed and interpretation of data and graphs made of any projects, on this web site, are the authors only or persons volunteering ideas. It is not paid for or the result of any US / Canada, Federal or State funding from any source. All the graph work and comments are and always has been the author taking public data and entering and interpreting it on his own time for no pay. It is not a request, requirement, or supported by any other entity.
* Pictures and videos are for whatever use anyone likes. I enjoy seeing them used. Picture quality is reduced for web site use, however I can easily send full quality JPEG's by e-mail to anyone wanting them.
* Also always looking for good photos and content of Yukon River fishing and other subsistence activities. Especially fish wheel pictures from other areas of the state.
“Rapids Research - We Got the Data”